Embeddings in Stable Diffusion.

  1. Watch my tutorial if you don’t have Stable Diffusion on your computer: https://youtu.be/WxnP-drLIRc

  2. Make sure to update your Stable Diffusion. If you followed my previous tutorial you can use GitForWindows and type git pull to update your stable diffusion. Otherwise you can install it from here: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui Watch my tutorial on Installing Stable Diffusion locally for more details.

  3. My library with embeddings (tested): https://www.kriskashtanova.com/embeddings

Other places to find embeddings:

  1. Those embeddings are not tested and some are of not such great quality: https://cyberes.github.io/stable-diffusion-textual-inversion-models/?fbclid=IwAR1YNskIX9XjjB3458-r9OsVGW0Q2e24t0jO1KqC8W1XKjis_6b3GxdsKsg

  2. I really liked Victorian lace fabric embedding from this post:


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